L&SPSF home page
NEWS - last updated Saturday 15 February 2025
Latest information on L&SPSF activities
Rules governing the running of the league and its divisions
Coaches Charter
Set of rules for schools football coaches regarding conduct of coaches, players and spectators at L&SPSF football matches.
Contact details of all participating schools.
9 a side Tables, Fixtures and Results 2024/25 season
Composition of 9v9 divisions for 2020/21 season with fixtures and results
GIRLS FOOTBALL - tables, results & fixtures
The Magazine Cup is a 9 a side knock out cup run by L&SPSF on behalf of the South London Schools F.A.
2023/24 Fair Play Criteria and tables by division
11 & 9 a side honours plus Girls 7 a side winners.
Trophy winners, 1997/98 to date
2019/20 Season 9v9 LEAGUE TABLES
Trophies to be awarded to schools for the sporting conduct of players, spectators and coaches.
7 a side winners
Winners and runners up of the 7 a side competitions from 1997 to present
Record of the 10th event on 11 June 2006
South London Schools FA - District under 11 team
the South London Schools FA representative team, playing record and information
Complaints or Comments
Form for making comments or complaints
The constitution of the league with codes of guidance for players, coaches/managers and spectators
History of the League
Previous seasons reviewed since 1997/98


Constitution of the
Lambeth & Southwark Primary Schools Football League (L&SPSF)

1.0 – Aims and Objectives
1.1 – L&SPSF aims to provide organised, competitive football for boys and girls attending primary or junior schools in Lambeth . Its objective in doing this is to encourage physical and social development, teamworking , discipline and the ethic of fair play in which winning is important but is not seen as something to be achieved at all costs. L&SPSF seeks to introduce Lambeth children to the benefits of playing football and in so doing hopes to help both boys and girls maintain an active lifestyle.

2.0 – Equal Opportunities
2.1 – L&SPSF is committed to equality of opportunity for all Lambeth schoolchildren and strives to ensure that as many pupils as possible irrespective of race, gender, religion or ability are encouraged to participate in its activities. London is a multi racial and multi cultural community and L&SPSF seeks to reflect this. All schools, players, organisers, parents and carers are expected to display commitment to equality of opportunity in order that schoolchildren in the two boroughs can play football free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice.
 Individuals will not, on grounds of gender, colour, marital status, race, nationality or ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability be treated less favourably than others.
 L&SPSF will not expect an individual solely on the grounds stated above to comply with requirement(s) for any reason whatsoever related to their membership, which are different from the requirements for others.
 L&SPSF will not impose on an individual requirements which are in effect more onerous on that individual than they are on others. For example, this would include applying a condition which makes it more difficult for members of a particular race or sex to comply than others not of that race or sex.
 Any other act, or omission of an act, which has as its effect the disadvantaging of a member against another, or others, purely on the above grounds. Thus, in all L&SPSF recruitment, selection, promotion and training processes, as well as disciplinary matters, it is essential that merit, experience, skills and temperament are considered as objectively as possible.
 L&SPSF commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims of discrimination on the above grounds and where such is found to be the case, a requirement that the practice cease forthwith, restitution of damage or loss (if necessary) and to the investigation of any member accused of discrimination.
 L&SPSF commits itself to the disabled person whenever possible and will treat such members, in aspects of their recruitment and membership, in exactly the same manner as other members. The difficulties of their disablement permitting assistance will be given, wherever possible to ensure that disabled members are helped in gaining access.

3.0 - Child Protection
3.1 – L&SPSF desires to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for children to learn and develop their football and social skills. The league undertakes to facilitate this by supplying the organisation and physical environment to enable regular competitive football to take place. In return all member schools are expected to ensure that children participating are protected from all forms of abuse and unfair treatment by adopting the highest possible standards of care. Failure to do so will result in league officials reporting any incidents or issues raising concerns to the relevant headteacher for appropriate action. Failure by any member school to take appropriate action could result in expulsion from the league and a report being forwarded to the Local Education Authority.

4.0 – Strategy
4.1 – L&SPSF hopes to achieve its aims and objectives by providing regular football for schools governed by competition rules which emphasise the importance of taking part whilst allowing competition. By arranging the league into non-hierarchical divisions it is hoped children of all abilities will be able to enjoy the benefits of a team sport whilst at the same time giving them something to strive for. As most Lambeth schools do not have playing fields L&SPSF is one of the few opportunities Lambeth and Southwark children have for participating on a regular basis in sport taking place outdoors and on grass. Given the emphasis placed by the league on fair play it is expected that those leading the school teams, teachers, support staff and parents help to engender the sporting spirit in which the children can develop themselves and the community.

4.2 – Participation in the activities of L&SPSF will be dependant on member schools abiding by a code of conduct for players, team organisers and spectators. See appendix A.

4.3 – In addition L&SPSF believes that for talented sporting children from disadvantaged backgrounds there are opportunities to harness and develop their natural abilities so as to enhance their prospects in later life. Accordingly L&SPSF will seek to work closely with the South London Schools F.A. as the Football Association's governing body locally and responsible for elite players through its district representative teams.

4.4 – L&SPSF will also maintain links with local junior football clubs and the local authority to assist children to carry on playing football when they transfer to secondary school. The League will actively engage with Lambeth and Southwark Councils and other bodies such as private sports providers and football governing bodies to provide the best possible facilities for Lambeth and Southwark children to use for football.

5.0 – Membership
5.1 – L&SPSF shall consist of members (schools) and officers of the governing body. Membership shall be open to Local Primary and Junior Schools and their named representative, subject to resources available to the LPSFL being sufficient. The Chair of L&SPSF shall keep a membership list of schools and named representatives. Member schools shall be liable to an annual affiliation fee as determined by the Executive Committee and ratified by the AGM.

5.2 – Those schools unable to become full members because of resource limitations shall be eligible for Associate Membership.

5.3 – Associate Members shall in effect form a waiting list for participation in the League, priority being given in chronological order of applying for membership. The Executive Committee may elect schools to the L&SPSF as members drop out or resources permit.

5.4 – Members shall agree to be bound by the code of conduct shown at Appendix A.

6.0 - Governing Body
6.1 – The governing body (executive committee) comprises of secretary, chair, vice chair, treasurer and up to four general members.

6.2 – These officers shall hold office for a year after being elected at the AGM which will be held as soon as possible after the end of the football season. All officers shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-appointment.

6.3 – Any vacancy on the governing body arising during the season shall be filled by the executive committee at their discretion until the AGM.

6.4 – The Executive Committee shall be vested with the management of the L&SPSF and its activities.

6.5 – The Executive Committee shall act for the members. Liabilities incurred shall fall on the membership provided the Executive Committee acted in accordance with the Constitution and in good faith.

6.6 – Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the Secretary and held

6.7 – The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at Executive Committee meetings shall be three present and eligible to vote.

6.8 – Decisions at meetings of the Executive Committee shall be determined by a majority of the vote of the members present and voting, every member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

6.9 – The interpretation of constitution shall be vested in the Executive Committee which will decide all questions relating to the L&SPSF, save those specified in, or involving an amendment to the constitution.

6.9.1 – Where Executive Committee members are unable to attend meetings named nominees may represent them and vote in their place.

7.0 – Liabilities
6.1 – The Executive Committee members are liable for the acts of the organisation but are entitled to an indemnity from the funds of the L&SPSF if they have acted properly. If there are not enough funds the Executive Committee members are personally liable for any shortfall.

7.2 – Any person appointed to act as the agent of the organisation for any purpose acts as the agent for all members who have joint liability for the agents actions.

7.3 – Executive Committee members shall have personal liability if they act outside the authority given them or if they do not comply with statute.

7.4 – Members will be entitled to an indemnity if they act in accordance with the constitution
and are not at fault.

8.0 – Finance

8.1 – All monies raised by, or on behalf of L&SPSF shall be applied to further the objects of L&SPSF and for no other purpose.

8.2 – The Treasurer of L&SPSF shall be responsible for the finances of the organisation.

8.3 – The financial year of L&SPSF ends on 31st May.

8.4 – Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer of all sums of money received and paid out by the organisation.

8.5 – A statement of accounts shall be presented at the Annual General meeting.

8.6 – The funds of the organisation shall be lodged at a bank or building society in an account in the name of L&SPSF and all cheques, drafts or cash drawn from the account shall be signed by the treasurer and one other Executive Committee member.

9.0 – Annual General Meetings and Other Meetings

9.1 – The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in as soon as possible after the end of the season when the annual report of the Executive Committee and the statement of accounts shall be presented.

9.2 – Not less than 14 days notice of the AGM shall be given to members by the Secretary.

9.3 – The AGM shall elect such officers as it may from time to time determine.

9.4 – Nominations for office will be accepted in writing prior to the AGM if signed by nominator and seconder. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor of the AGM if seconded. Only those eligible to vote shall be eligible to stand or nominate and second for office.

9.5 – The dates of the AGM and Executive Committee meetings shall be determined at the previous meeting. In addition, the Chair may call a meeting when s/he considers it necessary or desirable, or upon the written request of at least two Executive Committee members.

9.6 – All members shall be entitled to vote at general meetings and shall have equal voting rights.

9.7 – The quorum for general meetings shall be six members present and eligible to vote.

9.8 – Emergency General Meetings (EGM) may be convened upon request in writing to the Secretary by at least six members. The Executive Committee shall have the power to call an EGM by a simple majority of its members.

10.0 Voting Procedure

10.1 – Each member shall be entitled to one vote.

10.2 – A motion shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and voting except where the motion is a constitutional amendment which shall require a two thirds majority of those present and voting.

10.3 – The chair shall have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.

11.0 – Property and Staff

11.1 – Responsibility for all property owned or leased by L&SPSF and for the employment of paid staff or volunteers rests with the Executive Committee.

12.0 – Discipline and Appeals

12.1 – The Executive Committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member and shall have the authority to terminate the membership of any member deemed to be guilty of behaviour detrimental to the conduct of the activities of L&SPSF and/or its aims and objectives and its code of conduct.

12.2 – There shall be the right of appeal to the Executive Committee or an Appeal Committee set up by it to act on its behalf, against any decision made by an officer of LPSFL.

12.3 – The appeal shall be considered within 14 days of it being received in writing by the Secretary.

13.0 – Dissolution Procedures

13.1 – In the event of L&SPSF ceasing to exist and following the discharge of all debts and liabilities, any assets at the time of dissolution shall become the property of the South London Schools FA. No member shall obtain any asset from L&SPSF.

13.2 – L&SPSF may be wound up by a resolution of the members passed by a two thirds majority of the total membership at a general meeting specially convened for that purpose upon the request in writing of at least six members. Members shall receive 21 days notice of any such meeting .



1. at all times play fairly and within the laws and spirit of football
2. accept referees decisions without complaint
3. respect their opponents
4. not indulge in behaviour likely to reflect badly on L&SPSF
5. not damage property at any venue at which they play

1. be responsible for their players
2. ensure their players play fairly and without showing dissent
3. be responsible for confirming match details with their opposition
4. contact their opposition if they cannot fulfil a fixture
5. re-arrange matches that cannot be played on the scheduled date
6. arrange for payment of any league fees due
7. make spectators with their team aware of the standards of behaviour expected

1. not use foul, abusive or discriminatory language at matches
2. not question in any way refereeing decisions or by their words or actions encourage players to do so
3. respect the decisions of match officials and the league organisers
4. not encourage players to cheat, foul or show dissent
5. encourage players to respect opponents and accept victory and defeat graciously

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